Elsewhere Condor5 has responded to some of my comments thusly:
[QUOTE] I have known, and know, many good people who claim to be Christians, and of a certainty would never countenance such travesties as you have described above.[/QUOTE]
I think this statement opens up such fertile grounds for discussion that I am expanding it into a thread of its own.
Now correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the very fulfillment of the Christian faith for All True christians to join the Army of Christ and bring about Armageddon wherein all who don't bow down to the lord will be removed from the face of the Earth?
And if that is true then how does that belief differ from their claims that Muslims want to convert everyone to Islam at the point of a gun? Seems like the only difference between the two is that Some Christians may have mellowed on the subject over the course of 2000 years. Particularly since their prom date hasn't shown up to take them to the dance.
If christians Really believe the crap they claim to believe why Wouldn't they kill and destroy?
I don't know if they "believe the crap" or not. The people I speak of are people whom I've known over my lifetime who never threatend me with eternal damnation. Even the dozens of Mormons I worked with in Utah never proseletyzed to me. My good friends who have professed Christianity never pressed me to become one of them. Yes, they would at times try to tell me how wonderful and fulfilling their faith was for them, but they never pressured me. They were/are good people who did, and do good things. That may or may not be because of their faith, I don't know, but the fact is they were good to me and to everyone with whom I saw them interact. Make of that what you will.
My childhood friend that died last year of pancreatic cancer told me a couple weeks before his death that he was happy and ready to leave this Earth. His religion gave him great comfort in his last days, yet he still didn't try to inflict it on me. This is someone I grew up with. At his memorial, one person after another got up and spoke about his kindness and generosity, some of them told how he personally helped them at his own expense and did it without a second thought. So, if anyone wants to try to tell me how evil or misguided people like Josh are/were, well, they can take a flying fuck at a rolling donut, because I know better.
Condor5 do you not see the problem with that? I'm sure he was a fine fellow but...
If your friend truly believed in Jesus and salvation and Heaven for believers and Hell for nonbelievers why did he not do everything he possibly could, up to and including the Spanish Inquisition, to make sure that his friend was saved? If torturing you within an inch of death for 20 years would save you from eternity in the pits of Hell then logic dictates that he did you a horrible disservice by leaving you intact.
All of which supports the idea that christianity is complete nonsense and those who subscribe to it never really think it through.
@MarqG what, exactly, is your point? Of course religion is complete nonsense, but I fail to understand why you persist in trying to interject a problem where there was none. We had mutual respect for each other that went beyond, or maybe around, the religious thing. Ay any rate, you believe whatever it is you want to believe about whomever it is you want to believe it about. I know my friends, you do not. And if you want to believe there's no such thing as a good Christian, knock yourself out.
@Condor5 I'm not trying to interject a problem. I'm just pointing out one of the little inconsistencies of the religion. One presumes that Hell would be worse than being run over by a train. I further presume that he would warn you if you were about to be hit by a train. He might even get rather frantic about it.
@MarqG there are obviously many inconsistencies in religion, and many different kinds of people who have their own ways of getting around those inconsistencies, regardless of how logical or illogical their reasoning. The topic of salvation, hell, etc., never came up between us for whatever reason. And, for the record, if my life had ever been in immediate peril, Josh would have been the first person to warn me. Incidentally, he was a Vietnam combat veteran, and not fearful of anything, as far as I knew.
@Condor5 True story. Back in 1976 I was taking an auto body repair class. Next door in the auto mechanics shop there was a guy pouring gasoline from a bucket into a carburetor. Another guy behind the wheel keyed the ignition which set the gas filled bucket on fire. I guess the guy holding it didn't want it anymore so he throws it over his shoulder without looking. It douses a black guy from head to foot in flaming gas.
Now apparently he'd never seen the commercial about stop drop and roll. So he takes off across the room like the Human Torch, runs right passed me where I'm sanding on a fender, and doesn't stop until he gets to the wall at the far end of the room where a large Mexican guy starts putting the flames out with his bare hands.
He received 3rd degree burns over about half of his body that were so bad that he literally had half of the black burned off of him including his balls which were hanging out because his clothes had large burn holes.
Alls I'm saying is that if I had known that was going to happen to the dude I would have said something to him like, "Watch out for people not following shop safety procedures when handling gasoline." But that's just me. YMMV.