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I love everything Pluto. I just can't give that little guy up.
Pluton, je t'aimerai pour toujours.


Very interesting to say the least


I was hoping to scuba dive but that might be a bit complicated in liquid nitrogen. One would have to wear a scarf, that's not at all a manly look.

jeffy Level 7 Feb 23, 2018

Oh what we are learning about our cosmos, is astounding, the new WEBB telescope will be launched soon and this will allow us resolution and light frequencies never observed by humans.
I wish science would be emphasised more on television. the world needs to know what we have learned over the last few decades since the advent of complex technology.
did you know Trump is cancelling our membership in the space station, ISS, He has decided to sell our share . What a fool.

EMC2 Level 8 Feb 23, 2018

Really?!? The orange, fucking embarassment is actually doing this?


So cool! Thanks.


I seriously love reading this stuff, thanks

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