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Who agrees with the theory of multiverse?

I used to think it was a crazy idea, but now I'm beginning to think that it would be crazy if this universe was the only one that was a product of the Big Bang. What's the probability that only one universe evolved out of the period of inflation? I'm thinking not only do we have more than one universe, but we probably have infinite amounts of different universes. It would be great to see if we can create instruments to detect the waves from other universes, but the problem is that we don't know if the other universes have the same laws as we do.

Food for thought

Jay345 4 Nov 4

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38 comments (26 - 38)

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I think what you just stated was perfect Bringing membrane and string theory together it is likely we find this. Love this topic, thanks for bringing it up

EMC2 Level 8 Dec 30, 2017

*i love reading this kind of discussions


I like to think black holes are actually worm holes into parallel universes. Matter can\t disappear so something must be going on.


I think it's a load of bull. There are multiple multiverse theories and each one sounds unlikely. If they were true, then anything and everything you can think of exists. Thing is, anything and everything you don't think of exists as well. If you think of something, not only does it exist, but its complete opposite exists as well, cancelling it out. It's a feel good belief system where those who put belief in it (I suspect) do so because it makes them feel good much like how the belief in God does. If they're feeling down, they can just think of something that makes them feel good and know that it exists somewhere out there in the multiverse.. while ignoring the opposite existing.

While it is a possibility, I don't consider it falsifiable. If anything and everything were true in the multiverse, then it's true that there is an individual from another multiverse who is able to view and travel all other multiverses and actively prevents anyone from proving that it exists. If it is true, any possibility is cancelled out by its opposing possibility.. and only this existence matters.

This topic came up time and time again over the years on my weed forum and other forums and I always liked to remind those that believe in it that there are an infinite number of other universes where they are the worst serial baby rapist to have ever existed in their universe. That there are an infinite number of other universes where they were born with a crocodile tail and feathers on their elbows and are completely shunned by society and locked in a broom closet all their life with only a bucket to piss in. For whatever reason, they don't seem to like the negative possibilities...


I believe in multiverse. Trying to convince anyone else why they should or shouldn't is not my business.


A couple of my doubles believe in a multiverse, but I don’t?


I think it answers the possibility of a ghost, lol. I refuse to think a doorknob turned on its own and the door just happened to open by some weird coincidence especially with me watching the damn door and no one was home. The door is down the end of a hall that has another door on it that stayed closed the entire time.

Anyways I think it is plausible and may answer a lot of questions provable maybe one day.

Malus Level 4 Feb 14, 2018

Definitely believe, the experiments and the math is there, even if the proof isn't. Oh dear, that is a kind of "faith" isn't it.


Yes String and Membrane theory remain unproven yet intriguing to the highest level. String would mend the bridge between Einstein's general relativity and quantum physics. Not that easily done but in a nutshell. I appreciate the view that we should not consider String the magic answer as this is where science needs to take over. If things look like they should exist mathematically, then we must seek, The Higgs boson was merely a theory until we had the technology to locate it if it were there and it was. Trust science, it is correct whether one believes it or not.

EMC2 Level 8 Jan 7, 2018

I do I think deja vu is us looking into another universe where tomorrow is today, but we don't realize it until it happens.


I do I also think that deja vu is us looking into a universe where today is tomorrow or more


Well, that all depends. Are we talking about different dimensions or that there are multiple cosmos floating around? If we are talking about multiple cosmos, then I would say it is very likely, looking at how many galaxies are out there. There is the theory of galaxies are produced and revolve around a giant black hole that will implode and then explode out into a new galaxy. I think the cosmos is the same that it was produced and revolves around a ridiculously huge black hole and that is where the big bang comes from when the black hole exploded back out into a new cosmos. To think our universe is the only universe is similar to the belief that our planet is the only planet with life.

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