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Your thoughts on erectile dysfunction?

Ho boy. I'll start. Sex is very important to me.

The first man with erectile dysfunction (ED) was so proud of his Viagra- induced erection, it lasted four hours. After 2-1/2 hours of lively sex, I was sore and orgasmed out.

“Stop pointing that thing at me,” I said. “Put it to use: hang a towel on it! I’m going to read in the living room.”

The last guy did not tell me he had ED in advance. I worked over him for an hour while he constantly collapsed and was semi-soft.

He kept making excuses: "I exercised too much, all my blood is in my stomach after eating, I didn’t sleep well last night," etc.

I thought it was my fault, that he was not attracted to me. It was a terrible experience for me.

“Stop making excuses,” I said, giving up. “Obviously, you have erectile dysfunction.”

He admitted his Cialis bottle was in his jacket. “I was trying to do it naturally.”

Even Cialis didn’t help because he takes less than half of a dose. The result: constant collapsing and semi-soft.

“Cialis make my head feel warm,” he complained repeatedly. Between the lousy sex and his poor communication, I decided we are not a match.

People say men with ED can please women in other ways. On what planet? In my experience, it is extremely rare for a man to care about a woman’s pleasure more than his own.

Your thoughts?

LiterateHiker 9 Feb 4

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30 comments (26 - 30)

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You've been getting the dreggs of love I guess--
I was a man and always looked out for her pleasure but,
I became impotent, more so over time-- I tried to do the stimulants but it wasn't like old days.
People plan for growing and maturing in the sex dept, knowing that ED is looming- We have lot's of options for getting our needs met and
It starts with communication.

I rolled with it and realized that the benefit of having castration to reduce prostate cancer risk and make room in my leggings was a fantastic idea. Makes dancing, sitting, rolling over, et al., so much easier!
A variety of strap-ons should be staples in everyones arsenal-- pun that. 😀


I care about a woman's pleasure. It's important to me. If I can please a woman, it makes me feel wonderful and more complete. I love sex and I love women. I don't need any ED medicine. Yet, I have spent most of my life celibate because women don't seem to want a man like me. I spend my time with my dogs.




Wow, I feel bad for you. Not having a guy care if you're pleasured or not. On the subject of the guy you just cut up in your post, how many times did this happen with the two of you ? Please don't tell me the first because guys get nervous too, ding dong 😉


For someone that seems to want someone to understand about the importance of sex to you, you sure don't seem very understanding of the problems that can occur with older age and sex. I feel like you have way too many expectations and aggressive to your partner which can definitely create anxiety.

That's just what I'm seeing this posting and I could be completely wrong. You even went to the point of thinking of someone is a for not wanting to take a medication that doesn't make them feel right. Wow, that is just so....shitty for lack of a better word at the moment. As much as you may want to say that women have to take birth control this statement, you don't. It's a choice. Just like my choice to get a vasectomy not.

My thought is that you aren't finding the right kind of person for you and that is what your problem is. Someone who wants to do those kinds of things for you. Finding someone like that isn't easy either. Maybe try not to put so much pressure and focus on having sex and enjoy the pleasure of being with your partner in an intimate setting.

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