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Does America really need the NRA...this need to kill it normal...or am I being silly.....but I have never had the urge to shoot anyone at I just being strange now....and if I am tell me why you need your weapon in order for you to survive....

James121 7 Feb 23

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I fully agree. What the hell are we, as a nation, doing with an organization that pays our senators and congress with the title NRA. We are NOT , or should not be know for guns and we are.
It is so stupid

EMC2 Level 8 Feb 24, 2018

But the fact you can go into a big supermarket and they have a gun incredibly weird...or am I just not getting it...


If the NRA were just an association for hunters as it began, it would be fine. But nihilist nut-jobs have taken over to preach the world is hell and everyone is out to get you. And, oh yeah, you MUSt have the really big guns because the Constitution. Congress could take it back to sensible laws for their constituents if it cared about them. But right now the haters preach louder and the money is more important than the lives of their children. If they can't pass meaningful laws they have no business in leadership. Maybe the day of putting out to pasture all the people above 30 is coming.


Many US of A Americans have a siege mentality bolstered by all sorts of 'brain dead' ongoing conspiracy plots (theories).

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