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"God damn it"

Did you ever run across someone who knew you were an atheist and was bothered by your use of the phrase "God damn it"? I have, both theists and atheists.. some think that since you don't believe in God, that you can't use the phrase or by using the phrase, you're passively admitting to God's existence. I say bullshit. Even though I don't believe in the shit, I'll still say things like "God damn it", "that's your karma", or "must've read my mind". I think allowing them to own an expression would give more passive admittance of their beliefs' existence than using the phrase yourself without belief.

Anyway, the main point of this post is that "God damn it" is a common saying of mine. So much so that my 2 year old daughter says it now.. and honestly, I think it's great. It's not like how you would think when a kid learns a curse word with them just repeating it over and over. She uses it in proper context. Mostly when she drops something.. "God damn it". If she is trying to open something and gets frustrated.. "God damn it". Everytime she uses it, it's completely warranted.. and for some reason that makes me proud. I'm kind of looking forward to the day we are out in public and she says it in front of some religious people. Just like the time we were in a crowded store and she farted very loudly and then seriously blamed it on me.. it's going to be hilarious.

FatherOfNyx 7 Feb 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Goddamn it is second only to fuck in my vocabulary. And I gives no shits how any theists or non-theists feel about it.

My kids are all brilliant at cursing, and it makes my heart swell with pride. Because it's appropriate and in context and makes my mother gasp "Sis! You should teach them not to curse!"


If I can catch myself … it’s doG Damnit ...if not, fuckin guilty..

Varn Level 8 Feb 7, 2019

Poor dog. ??

@TDSkully No ...I’d never blame, scold or kick a dog … but I’ve yet to find a god to damn much of anything 😀


“God damn it” is one of my favorite phrases. I say it every goddamned chance I get. I guess it’s because of getting my ass beat every time I “took the lord’s name in vain” as a child. It’s funny, but after getting my ass beat a couple of times, I got it again for saying: “God damn it!” Right afterward. Force of habit.

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