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Do you think this way?

What do you think?

Heartofabudda 3 Feb 7

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Being a christian is someone who THINKS there is a god.


Not sure about that. After all, babies are kind of tasty, suteed with those fava beans and, you know, a nice chianti. Right?


Babies are particularly delicious with garlic and extra virgin olive oil! Oh, raping and murdering are fun too!

@OwlInASack oh, puleeze! British cuisine? Nope, I think for that they'd be better breaded, deep fried and wrapped in newspaper with chips.?


Nah! I do all those things, but then I’m not an atheist. Just one of those people that does those things!?


I don’t know anyone who thinks that way over here. All my friends (they all believe in God) call me an intellectual, which I find rather amusing, and think I’m a bit eccentric because I tell them that I have studied the bible and have found no evidence to confirm that it was dictated by a divine being. They know I am as moral, if not more so than they are, they don’t tell me I’m wrong not to believe and I know they love me as much as I love them. They came to my son’s funeral which was conducted by a Humanist celebrant, and showed me respect without any of them feeling the need to mention the “G” word. This, of course, is not America, but it is Northern Ireland which is renowned for it’s religious fervour. Maybe I’m just lucky with my choice of friends.


Always when the moral argument comes I remind that:
EVEN IF THE ONLY SOURCE OF MORAL IS YOUR HOLLY BOOK... This does not mean that your god is real, it can simply means that a nice guy wrote a manual and used god as authority so people would follow, so it is meaningless to discuss the moral point

I don't think that he was a nice guy. And if you followed the moral teachings in the bible you would soon find yourself in prison; the reasons that most christians don't end in prison is because they don't take their morals from there either.

@Fernapple see the big IF before the sentence you are disagreeing with?
I am saying that even in the best case scenario for some imaginary religion composed only from the edited good parts of love, compression etc... This still don't make any point for the reality of a divine being

@Pedrohbds Yep agreed.


It is sad that religious folk often confuse atheism with belief in another deity, usually Satan. It's tiring having to hear that, let alone answer it. I'm very lucky I live in a secular country but I do communicate with many people from around the world, many of whom are religious.

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