My great great grandmother bought a spinet piano from Sears. It was delivered by a train and then to the house by horse-drawn wagon. They had everything! Sears was once the Amazon of the 19th century
My great grandfather used to tout an elixir that would cure anything. I think it had cocaine in it.
There are some more interesting examples of Bayer's old Heroin adverts here: []heroin-for-children-here-are-the-ads-that-prove-it-2011-11?r=US&IR=T#hi-honey-heres-your-smack-5
Yeah and up until the early 80’s certain cough syrups had cannabis listed as an ingredient .
@MissKathleen Yeah my uncle has a bottle on his mantle that clearly says cannabis and he swears that he found it in an old timey drug store back around 81.
@MissKathleen You know that the government actually holds the patent for cannabis right?
@MissKathleen It’s not the substance itself it’s the title that’s patented.
For example when you hear or see anything about an arrest involving marijuana they say marijuana because in their description of the substance that’s illegal they chose to call it marijuana.
Even though marijuana and cannabis are the same.
So as far as drug scheduling goes THC is listed as a scheduled 1 but and it’s described sources are marijuana and/or cannabis.
It’s just the government’s way of saying that it’s ours so therefore we can say who can or can’t have possession of it as well as we can define the punishment for being in possession of said substance. ?
You know that bullshit ?