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I am sick and tired of family value and god fearing conservatives being the absolute opposite. They have no shame.

Kuwave 3 Feb 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Our illustrious EPA chief Scott Pruitt, used the Bible to justify oil and mining. This is mind bending.


Religion has crept too far into the political landscape in a broad spectrum of social and economic issues. The GOP is heavily populated and driven on all issues by the religious right. They seek to legislate their beliefs into laws that will govern us all. From appointment of judges that will overturn existing protections, or provide cover for large corporations and the very wealthiest citizens, appointment of top officials to head government organizations who oppose the very fundamental reasons the department exists, ongoing attempts to remove science based books from schools and institute specific prayer in public schools, but will fight to the death to keep military assault weapons readily available no matter how many children are killed. They demand that a woman's right to decide whether to bring a pregnancy to term or seek an abortion be reversed and punishable by law, yet loose all interest in what happens after an unwanted birth occurs and would deny any services that might be needed. They have little tolerance for those that do not believe as they do, and I find it more and more difficult to interact,socialize or be around them.

I agree with everything you wrote. Also, there are people who, you thought felt the same way, then it turns out they disagree on something like gun control. Tolerance is just that, tolerating something otherwise unbearable, but are these people, or can these people be thought of as friends? I had an experience where a religious Christian demanded that I "admit" that the Jews killed Christ, she said this knowing I am Jewish. Every Easter Jews have to defend themselves against these claims. Religion and politics suck the chances of friendship away from diverse groups. Also, there is the whole Israel situation, intertwining with politics, and Trump acting like the champion of both Evangelicals and Jews. Makes me want to puke that people actually swallow that crap.

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