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My head just exploded. Can we PLEASE make Texas go back to being it's own country??? They're a fucking embarrassment.


KKGator 9 Feb 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Texas is no worse than many states. I doubt this article. It is to bizarre.

Even MORE reason to get involved if your state is one of them! (that's a general 'you' )


Apparently it's how those politicians look at women. I don't understand why not all women put their hands together and leave the state as federal refugees. It's so hard to organize people. It's always "Divide and Rule".

Gert Level 7 Feb 25, 2018

This is disgusting. We need to vote out these ignorant politicians.

Not living in Texas, I will not have that opportunity. I can only advocate for the state's removal from the Union.


Ugh. It's this kind of b.s. that makes me wonder if we would have been better off letting the Confederacy have its independence.

Too late for that, even though I understand your point. The question is, what do we do about this pattern of bullshit now?




US Sup Ct ruled ObombneyCare was legal to force all workers to buy "insurance" ....TrumpOLINI repealed this "tax" .....creepy criminal employers like Hobby Lobby and Nuns Group Insurance plans fought back to strip out coverage for abortion and "sex pills"...
....accordingly ten states and Texas is about to join the ten making it a law to have separate insurance policies for rape, pills and abortion services......note how zero of these ten require males to have separate VIAGRA insurance. ....a Texas state rep introduced such a bill a couple years back a Democratic Woman ridiculing her Rethuglican criminal theocratic misogynistic colleagues thereby. ....those same scumbags are ready to secede AGAIN in Austin TX from USA if textbooks are allowed into the state with Atheist Thomas Jefferson on the pages

I'd really love them to secede.

@KKGator Texas would be like North Korea taking pot shots at NM OK AR & LA AND WOULD STEAL ALL USA military property

@KKGator and TX WOULD BUILD A WALL in the middle of the Rio Grande river to shoot Mexicans trying to cross the border

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