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Does anyone else curse at the site when the alerts won't clear? (alerts popup, desktop site)

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bingst 8 Feb 16

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Good thing I use the app and not a web browser then if the notifications are messed up, although since some of the recent updates I've noticed the site lags a little bit at times.




My phone messes up so often I wouldn't be able to discern which was at fault.


I curse... Silently....


There's always something wrong going on with this site. For the last few months I've had a permanent "new message" alert on the Messenger icon in the top right corner (the envelope). Also for the past 2 days, the Recent Member Activity area has been stuck on the "New Comments" tab as its default setting instead of it being set to "Newest."


I've never had it happen on here, but it's been doing it with my Facebook app for a few weeks now and it is rather annoying.


Just hit the refresh button on your computer.

I do that, but it doesn't help all that much.


It works for me. When I see an pop-up, I hit "refresh" and the notification appears at the top of the page.


I honestly have never had that problem.
My alerts stay cleared after I use that function.

From the popup on the desktop site?

@bingst Yes. I just " x " them out. If they come back, I don't notice.


What f××king alerts?!


No, but now I know what to do when that happens?


I have in the past

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