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Michelle Obama 2020! Any thoughts?

Rodatheist 7 Feb 26

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I really want someone with some experience, who knows how to at least have a somewhat normal cabinet again. I love Michelle but she has no experience.

gearl Level 8 Feb 27, 2018



No. Absolutely not. I want a democratic candidate chosen for no reason other than pure electibility. I want a middle aged white man from Colorado. I want the racists to feel safe voting for him. I want the potheads voting for him. I want the anti-feminists voting for him. I wish I could say race and gender weren't issues, but they are for the voting idiots. I hope he is progressive and a great candidate, but I just want the republicans out even more.


She's strong, smart, and gorgeous.


I'm from New Zealand, but I think she'd be a great choice. Especially in light of what the US has at the moment in government. She's down to earth, good head on her shoulders and all for the kids and education. I like her.

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