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What is your favourite number and why?

No° 11

It was given to me by a nonreligious spiritual advisor many moons ago. She said It would be my "path" number for everything in my life. It stuck.

For me, the number 11 is a number that represents equality: Balance.

SleeplessInTexas 8 Feb 21

Enjoy being online again!

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I like the Euler number 2,718....
Because of... Well, everything works as e^x proportions.


91 - I mention it in my profile. There are 2 reasons:

(1) it's the smallest number that can be given as the sum of 2 cubes in 2 different ways: 3 cubed + 4 cubed and - (-5) cubed + 6 cubed.

(2) it's the sum of the first 6 squares.

You did ask.




666, because it freaks out the Southern Baptists.


26, because it's the only number sandwiched between a square and a cube.

Jnei Level 8 Feb 22, 2019

I was always partial to 7, though I must confess that has its roots in my evangelical past. In Biblical numerology, 7 is the number of perfection or completion.

Of course, having a favorite number is a bit arbitrary. Technically for example you have people excited about turning 50 or 60 or whatever but in reality the only thing "special" about it is that it's evenly divisible by 10. That it is some sort of milestone is entirely in between people's ears that they have chosen to ascribe to it. It's the same with any number.


I was going to say 69, but I'm to classy for that.


3 - Same as my Trinity -Space, Time and Matter.

gater Level 7 Feb 21, 2019

I don't think I really have one ,if I did it might be 2


3, and multiples of 3. Don't really know why. Look at my user name.


1, 7, and 10, and numbers multiplied by those. They have special meaning in my family:
My birthday: 9/10
My middle sister's birthday: 6/20
My youngest sister's birthday: 3/1
My brother-in-law's birthday: 11/1
My mother's birthday: 12/7
My father's birthday: 4/14
My parents' wedding anniversary: 6/14
My sister and brother-in-law's wedding anniversary: 9/7


i havnt got one


My first degree was in Mathematics so I like all numbers. Yet, I have also found humor in peoples thinking of/about them. So, I have always liked the things talked about the number 13. I also like its twin prime 11 🙂

Numbers can be fascinating. Zero is my favorite because it is such a gnarly beast. Is it just a place holder, or something much more sinister.

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