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Groups that I don’t want

I keep seeing post from groups that I’ll never want to join and even after I’ve selected to hide group I still see post for them in my feed.

And I’m not following any of these people. So do I need to just block the person or what?

48thRonin 8 Feb 21

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I have the same issue, but, I can't even work out how to hide group, I must be missing something. So, looks like blocking is the only option

Yep and it actually works ??

@48thRonin Indeed, instant clean up of my feed 🙂


Check to make sure you're not a member... Sometimes members are added to groups they never joined....

Oh I’m definitely not a member of any of these

@48thRonin not voluntarily... The site has glitches....

@Cutiebeauty oh

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