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LINK South Africa funeral firm to sue pastor for 'resurrection stunt' - BBC News

"There are no such things as miracles," the Commission for the Promotion and Protection of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities (CRL Rights Commission) told South Africa's national broadcaster. "They are made up to try to get money from the hopelessness of our people."

The pastor, under fire, had admitted the man was not dead but that he "completed a miracle that God had already started"... LMAO ? ??!

There are suckers born every day!

DGJ0114 7 Feb 26

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That's the nature of ALL miracles...


he's prob got plenty of money to pay for a suit...a tie...a car... and actors


I think this goes for South Africa too. . . .
"Vous pouvez être sûr que les Américains vont commettre toutes les stupidités ils peuvent penser, plus certains qui sont au delà de l'imagination."

"You may be sure that the Americans will commit all the stupidities they can think of, plus some that are beyond imagination."

Charles de Gaulle

THHA Level 7 Feb 26, 2019
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