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QUESTION Religion in a nutshell


HermitVoyager 6 Feb 27

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Religion is a nutshell!




Always a great clip.


This is atheist and agnostic site... why the Fuck we need to see "religion in a nutshell"? Seriously!!! ...and it was not funny.

@HermitVoyager here you go another religious knobjob looking for revenge against god. Because religion was mean to him. A religious knobjob in a nutshell.

@HermitVoyager cartoon boy... never mind. you still a boy, back to your cartoons. I don't discuss religion, made fun of it. I don't give a fuck about god either. Not in war with religion.

Humor, like art, is in the eye of the beholder. It is just as subjective for one to insist that a joke is not funny, as it is to assert that a work of art is uninspiring, or worse, ugly. Personally, I found this skit uproariously amusing, as it captures the essence of Christianity, as was expressed for more than 1,000 years. But then, I've always been a fan of Seth MacFarlane!

@pnullifidian Nothing wrong with his work. Didn't found the skit funny but it is okay, I just simply don't care to discuss something I don't think exist. I don't try to recruit anyone or cry every time I see a church. I don't fight religious zealous or atheist zealous they are simply one proof of a god away of being the same entity.

It was funny.

@Sticks48 Okay.

@GipsyOfNewSpain I hope you can understand, perhaps even empathize with, those of us who, having successfully extricated ourselves from the oppression of a religious faith, feel duty bound to criticize, mock and vilify. In fact, to ignore the perversions and lies of religion would, in my opinion, be immoral.

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