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Should Christians Date Non-Belivers? Advise From a Christian

I found it interesting, though not surprising, that Sweetovivi's advise was to value her god of choice over a human who could potentially be a lifelong partner. If you don't then it's idolatry.

She goes on to explain that atheists are representative of darkness and wickedness and quotes 2 Corinthians 6:14

If you're "yoked together" with a non-believer than you can expect to be pulled down to their level---darkness and wickedness---because, you know, gravity.

'Love for people can be emotionally blinding."

It doesn't occur to her that love for her god can be emotionally blinding, too.

"All the love stems from god."

Essentially, she is saying that humans are not capable of authentic love without her god.

"Christians and unbelievers are like oil and water. You can't mix them, and if you are mixing really well with unbelievers, that's a problem."

Tribalism 101

She mentions 1 Corinthians 15:33 and writes in quotes: "Bad company ruins good morals."

Bottom line --- she says that dating or marrying an unbeliever is sinful.

VictoriaNotes 9 Mar 3

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I have friends who are Christians and that's OK. However be married a Christian would be a nightmare. As an atheist or agnostic it would be hard put up with their incredible beliefs on a daily basis. In this day and age it blows my mind that with all we know about our incredible universe, there are still adults who believe in the fairy tales of Christianity. Also how dare they say we are wicked people. I live a good life, as do the many people I know who are agnostic or atheist and we do good, even without the "reward" of paradise. So who are the good ones on our amazing earth.


Yup - this was a major factor in the demise of my last relationship of 8mos. Even though he wanted to marry me after a mere 3mos, I was that "darkness and wickedness" person (yay), and he spoke of the uneven yoking nonsense. So glad to be done with it all ! Never again.


And she looks very young. Maybe, with time and a little more of life's lesson she might change (but don't hold your breath).

Her title is telling in that, with a very little thought, one could see there is no common sense in religious beliefs.


it is a bent mentality.

@VictoriaNotes they are common.....


Oy vey...


I always understood that as encouraging people of faith not to link up with unbelievers because their faith would be in danger of being undermined.

Yes. I don't think Christians like to think that way about faith but it does seem to need putting everything worldly at a distance in order for it to survive.

@Stevil The apostle Paul thought it wise not to take the chance. He did, though, tell women who were already married to unbelievers to stay with them if possible, in the hope that their good behaviour might encourage the spouse to adopt the faith.


All for something they cannot see or prove to exist and for this they are willing to give up on what could be the best relationship of their lives. What ashame.


Ohferpetessake.....another 5 minutes of my life wasted on this stupid woman.......

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