29 3

What personal experience made you a non believer?

Lisargal1974 3 Nov 7

Enjoy being online again!

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29 comments (26 - 29)

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I was born.


Guess I'm headed northish, but I will be sure to scribble you a message, unless she takes me in hard, so to speak. She might be able to ...


Just fadeing from what I thought was real, and then sex would feel better, maybe ... and you miss?


wow, seems you caught many an eye or thirty! I go drifting and they ... evening. Thought I'd just say hey and hey, your much more popular... never mind, tooo busy tryin to look loke a fool. Hoped to have a computer by now, so I could put a pict but ... WOW.
Hey. Probably don't even remember me. No worries. Night Miss.

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