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LINK Ilhan Omar Is TEARING The Democratic Party Apart By Revealing HYPOCRISY! - YouTube

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SidneyWinston 6 Mar 8

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Woo-hoo . . . we need that!

THHA Level 7 Mar 8, 2019

The entire policy regarding Israel is steeped in hypocracy in both parties.


I hope she tears it apart bad that way it will be easier for Trump to win!!!


Let the triggering begin!!!!! ??


It seems she questioned the loyalty of American Jews to America. I'm guessing that she would include both Democrats and Republicans in that, intimating that all Jewish politicians put Israel first. Then I think the Democratic party wanted to distance themselves from her, critising her as antisemite and asking for a vote to cement their apparent eschewing of the antisemite view. Some Democrats felt she was being unfairly treated, presumably on the basis that criticism isn't racist, so they made the pledge more generally about all kinds of racism. And Omar voted for the pledge too.

Have I got it right?

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