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How often do you like it?

Just curious how often everyone here actually likes to get intimate. (assuming you have a steady, always willing partner.)

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JohnnyMiller 6 Mar 1

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30 comments (26 - 30)

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3-4 times a week was the norm but now i am single and not a damn thing is working for me here where i live!!


I like a few days where I have sex and a few days where I don't but id never plan it ever. its got to be spontaneous. not that my hands fussy thank fuck.

@LeighShelton A pew days? Are you doing it at church? lol

jesus fucking christ I'm coming lol


"It"? I saw the original one a few times, but haven't seen the remake.


When I was with someone I used to like it many times a day


At least once a day, especially when the relationship is new.

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