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LINK Equality.. how far are we from achieving it

If majority of women got out of their comfort zone and challenged the values they were raised with then they will certainly be able to end their passivity and take their natural role in shaping true equality once and for all

Neenz 7 Mar 11

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5 are correct. Two are fallacious.


It seems these changes are generational. You never know what will make a generation make big changes. Without the phony oil crisis and recession in the 70's, would we have had the huge influx of women in the work force in that decade? That was the beginning of financial independence for many more women. I am hoping the millennials will help push this over the goal line.


I think we are quite a ways off of equality, because there are too many women who have been indoctrinated into the patriarchal way of looking at the world as a place of lack and fear. In order for things to change all women need to see themselves as the change.

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