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Should You Tell Your Partner Everything?

"Honesty is normally a very good thing, but is it always and at all points valuable within a relationship? Are there any things better left unsaid?"

Examples (4 minutes)

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VictoriaNotes 9 Mar 14

Enjoy being online again!

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I guess we shouldn't be doing things we cannot tell our partner. Would I like my partner to do that?...NO


Honesty is important, but they don't need to know every single thought.


For me it’s three things:

  1. Timing. Not all at once. What’s appropriate, when appropriate.
  2. Direction. More is better, if and when the relationship is strong enough.
  3. Reality. No relationship is likely to ever tolerate perfect openness.
skado Level 9 Mar 15, 2019

This makes me cry every time...

skado Level 9 Mar 14, 2019

I'm in the tell them and hear everything camp. If they don't like the thoughts and ideas you share then it's probably not for the best you to be together. The video above shows moments that I have been apart of quite often. The final moments in the video are blatant lies. The park bench scene has the woman thinking about something being wrong and keeps it to herself. Which if she is that deep in thought and if we have a good relationship like the actors are portraying you shouldn't have a problem saying what's on your mind. Even if it's bad or weird. The scene with them at the restaurant would never go down. Maybe it's just me but I never look at other people while on a date with someone. In my experience women Will be the ones to want me to check out some other attractive women and bring it to my attention. Some will ask me questions like do you think she's prettier or fatter than me. I will then say do you want the truth and if they say yes then I accommodate them with the truth. If they even ask me in the first place it probably wasn't meant to be for us anyway. Self confidence is a big plus in my book. Although self depreciation can be a great form of confidence, just saying.

(Announcement for women: We seriously don't compare other options. That involves too much work.)

My best relationships have been brutally honest ones. Ones where if the other does something dumb you call them out on it. You don't just act like a worm without a backbone and afraid to tell the truth or stand up for what you believe in. Sorry my post was a bit long. Hopefully there was some decent pointers in there.

@VictoriaNotes it lasted six years. Others have been shorter but I don't believe honesty was the killer in those.

Sounds like the guys that were with your friends were assholes. I won't understand the attraction to them that people have. But to each there own I guess. Maybe I am a bit isolated in how often that happens. Myself and my friends would never say things like that and I would like to assume most wouldn't.

I have definitely been a "fixer" multiple times. Which is another odd thing I don't really understand as to why isn't a good thing. I know that sometimes it's best to just let them be in their emotions. However when girls say everything is fine and it obviously isn't that can be very frustrating.


I think you should have an open communication and be honest as possible, but there are some things my wife doesn't care about or want to know, so no I don't think you have to tell your SO everything...


This says it for me...

How have I NEVER heard this song?

Nice! Thank you. 🙂


Here's one of The Beautiful South's clever little songs I Kept It All In:

My guess it's about family disfunction in different ways and the listener is left to decide what might best be said or kept secret. For example, should he tell his wife she is making him angry enough to want to kill her? Should he tell he was involved in a murder and a bank robbery? We have to decide for ourselves.


There could be things that are hurtful to the relationship. That one keys to a long relationship in this day and age.



If you want a divorce.


Why make your significant other an accomplice. Really, should they need to make an untenable decision or end up in prison?


Oh hell no, and I don't want to know everything either.


Nope, nope, nope, nope, no way.


Absolutely. Anyway, family and friends will happily tell as much as they can.

@VictoriaNotes Oh lord. I voted for keeping some things to yourself and then posted 'absolutely'. I meant no way. I would keep that feeling to myself. Truth isn't always a good thing.

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