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How is it that coffee can taste so different when you use the saem cofee from eh same container, measure out the saem amount an duse the saem water source?

I make coffee the same way every day and sometimes it is really good and other times it isn't that good. Most of the tiem is is alright. I can't be the only one who experienced this. I am just wondering if anyone has figured out why this happens?

snytiger6 9 Mar 14

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I've noticed this, too. And if I make the coffee it tastes different than if my boyfriend makes it, and we make it the exact same way.


That has happened to me lately. I had to pour out a pot. It didn't even smell right.


Maybe its you and not the coffee

cava Level 7 Mar 14, 2019

If it were just me that tasted a difference, tht woudl seem likely, but my sister tastes the sme differences in the same brews.

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