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Atheism as per the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy


Gatovicolo 8 Mar 2

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Philosophy is just a bunch of words to prove you can make shit up.

A bit like my ex wife - why use a couple of words when you can say the same with a couple of thousand....... 😉

Bugger off mate


These are the accepted terms.

Accepted by the academic community. If anyone would know, they would. @atheist

Then exactly what is your problem? Do you really think hundreds of years of cogitation and reasoning are worth naught? @atheist

It’s not an argument. It’s information. Do with it what you choose. @atheist


It's all definitions, which are often arbitrary. If someone wants to define atheism to the extent that I am therefore not atheist, that's their privilege. I don't believe in god(s); label me how you want.

godef Level 7 Mar 2, 2018

I typically state an opinion about a definition and get summarily criticized. This is from the encyclopedia of philosophy from Stanford. You’ll find the same information in the Oxford Philosophic Dictionary. So, think what you choose, but according to the philosophical community, this is what it is.
My opinions are based on reading and logic. This is why I’m agnostic and not atheistic.

I typically state an opinion about a definition and get summarily criticized. This is from the encyclopedia of philosophy from Stanford. You’ll find the same information in the Oxford Philosophic Dictionary. So, think what you choose, but according to the philosophical community, this is what it is.
My opinions are based on reading and logic. This is why I’m agnostic and not atheistic.

@Gatovicolo Wasn't meaning to agree to or criticize your post, just saying I know what I am; let others define it as they will.


I agree totally with you. This is why I think the way I do. You’re not required to agree. @godef

No. It’s not an argument from authority. These definitions have a very long storied history with argument pro and con. If you don’t believe me, read the sources. @atheist

@atheist No,authoritarianism is an unquestioning belief in authority. Accepting expert opinion is not necessarily authoritarianism. We depend on the claims of experts all the time (e.g. historians, scientists, etc).

Not really. That’s a pretty thorough treatment of the subject. Cookie cutter it isn’t. @atheist

@atheist Yes,I think I did. I was thinking more in terms of whether or when to believe a claim somebody makes. But you are right.

Is there going to be a quiz?

Yes. Tomorrow at 5 pm EST.

@Gatovicolo awwww

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