And the beat goes on... (all irony intended). The Christian right's Project Blitz is in full swing.
It’s painful to think that shithole states like that are actually a part of this country.
It's not likely to be upheld when it hits the courts. I don't think any of the "heartbeat" laws have. So far.
However, 45 has been packing the judicial openings with conservatives.
Which is another reason why fuckface McConnell has been so quiet.
He's been getting what he's wanted, so he is willing to look the other way on 45's
antics, for as long as he can get away with it.
I really hope that whomever beats 45 and takes over as President in 2021, immediately starts undoing the damage 45 and the republicans have been doing.
I don't care if it's by executive order or not.
@Gooniesnvrdie Maybe we'll get lucky and he will drop dead