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LINK Fearing Their Dogs Will Develop Autism, Some Owners Are Declining Vaccinations - The Intellectualist

So, now stupid people will be causing rabbis to spread....

snytiger6 9 Mar 21

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There are stupid people in every walk of life.
That said it does pay to be cautious with pets to avoid OVER vaccinating.
Unfortunately rabies titers are not yet legal. Try titering your pet for rabies through Kansas State U sometime, you'll realize the annual booster is a total racket. (it's the same vax as the 3 year!)

If my post helps ONE animal avoid being over vaxxed ...
It's all fun & games until you've dealt with an animal suffering from vaccinosis. (over active immune system that attacks itself)

That said I've yet to have a veterinarian who had "in house" antibody equipment. All have to be sent out. Michigan State is the gold standard for most. Only Kansas state does rabies.


As a long-time dog breeder, exhibitor, and trainer, I am STILL amazed at the stupidity of some people. Oh, wait, that was rude... It amazes me how people will take their personal attitudes and project them onto their pets. Vegans who try to feed their pets a vegan diet (and sicken or kill some), gluten-free who try to go grain-free with their pets. Anti-vaxxers who withhold vaccines for their pets.

As much as I love my dogs, I must remember that they are not humans, and should not be subjected to the same attitudes as humans use in their own lives. I am not a veterinarian, but I am still undecided about autism in animals. To quote one article: " autism could very well occur in dogs. But, it’s important to acknowledge that until more research is done, reaching a definitive diagnosis in an individual dog is anything but straightforward." Sadly, not everyone wants to research before they conclude whatever they want to be the answer, and some conclusions are pretty strange....


Rabbis, or rabies??

LOL... I probably should hve spell checked that... The speelign didn't seem right, but I let it go.

@snytiger6 - I just HAD to ask, it was a moral imperative...

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