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Here's something else that might be fun to try.

The next time your cat is sitting on your lap., wait for it to yawn. Touch its tongue with your finger.

The cat will immediately start to wash itself. This will happen every time you do this.

Any thoughts as to why this happens?

Robotbuilder 7 Mar 2

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Maybe the cat thinks you dirtied up her clean tongue by touching it and she cleaning her tongue? My cat rarely yawns so I can't try it out. The cat is more of a "talker". Normal what happens when my cat or dog, (or even a parrot), yawns is that I yawn too. I believe cat saliva is supposed to have some healing properties, (along with other yucky-stuff).


I'd probably want to wash if someone unexpectedly touched my tongue, too - you know, personal space and all that! 😉

Most of the cats I've known would just bite you.

Jnei Level 8 Mar 2, 2018
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