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LINK Legislative Lowlights: Misinformation Abounds in Latest Round of Anti-Choice Laws - Rewire.News

GOP lawmakers continue to advance measures based on misrepresentation.

Elganned 8 Mar 27

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I don't think these tactics are ethical, but you can't blame them for cynically manipulating the mostly ignorant sheeple when the sheeple make it so damned easy. It's just a power vacuum they're only too happy to fill.

People want simplistic black and white choices and anyone bloviating about such imagined choices with enthusiasm gets their vote.

This is what we are as Americans; we allow and condone it.


They can't win with the truth, so they "bear false witness". Because they believe that lying for god is justified.


The only way they can get support for this crap is by using misinformation.

1of5 Level 8 Mar 27, 2019

@Renickulous yeah? Are they mad about the natural aborting of pregnancy's doing the same thing? Are they mad about the morning after pill? Are they mad that not all women/families have the capabilities to raise a special needs child?

Reducing a complex, multifaceted issue into a single frame of reference does no one any good.

@Renickulous then you should be sad a lot. About 1/3 of fertilized eggs don't even result in a pregnancy long enough for the woman to realize she's pregnant, if they even attach to the uterine wall in the first place.

Here is where we show our differences. A mass of undifferentiated cells is not a human. It actually has no "right" to be born.

If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant she has a right not to be, whatever her reasons. That's actually neither your nor my business.

I'm not going to argue abortion with you. I never said you were wrong, only that looking at a complex issue from only a single point of reference isn't the correct way to look at something if you want to understand the complexity of the issue. So it's ok to kill someone if they are inconvenient? tells me all I need to know about how this discussion will go.

@Elganned do you have a wall close by to conveniently bang your head against? I'm only asking because it'd be a quicker way to get a headache than arguing about abortion. ?

@Renickulous Oh, poor you. Death is part of life.

I know what eugenics is, I also know what hyperbole is.

I'd like for you to be able to get pregnant and feel like all you are is some incubator for something you don't want, and be forced to endure the who process against your will.

A fact of the matter is that humans are sexual creatures and birth control does fail. Just like trying to get pregnant can fail. Nothing in life guarantees fairness.

Anyways, shutting notifications for this thread off.

"Abortions are kinda like nipples.
Everyone has them, but women's are more relavent than mens.
But all you ever see are mens"


The repugs have left few choices now.

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