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LINK #152 - The Trouble with Facebook A Conversation with Roger McNamee

In this episode of the Making Sense podcast, Sam Harris speaks with Roger McNamee about his book Zucked: Waking Up to the Facebook Catastrophe.

Roger McNamee has been a Silicon Valley investor for thirty-five years. He has cofounded successful venture funds including Elevation with U2’s Bono. He was a former mentor to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and helped recruit COO Sheryl Sandberg to the company. He holds a B.A. from Yale University and an M.B.A. from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College.

zblaze 7 Mar 28

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listened to the whole podcast & not sure what to make of it.
social media, especially google & FB are stealing our identities & motivated by greed. but what to do about it? never got any firm recommendations. basically, we're in an Orwellian age, which i already knew.

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