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Under Republican fire, Adam Schiff Presents His Case Without Apology

A good summary of the situation.


LiterateHiker 9 Mar 29

Enjoy being online again!

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Adam Schiff needs to be careful not to overplay his hand here. In as much as I agree with his sentiment, the last thing the Democrats need is to keep beating a dead horse. Yes, the Mueller Report needs to be made public and transparent. But the Democrats don't need to be perceived as crybabies at this point where they really need to be dealing from a position of strength. Let the process around the report play out and I think we'll all get the answers we are looking for.


The report will be redacted by the White House first. Trump gets to see it first and claim executive privilege.


So much for transparency.


Saw that speech. Schiff said that with passion and conviction. He was spot on. I’m grateful for all that.


At this point all the rethuglicans can do is be stupid and moronic.

At this point? That point was in the reirview mirror months ago.

Well, that is their M.O.

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