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How equal are humans to other animals from a secular perspective?

Full disclosure: I'm not vegan.
But--the human possession of a "soul" and other animals' lack there of is (I believe) a primary justification for their wholesale abuse (in industrial meat production) and slaughter. Or some Bible passage saying God provided them for human consumption.
For those who don't accept that any souls exists in anyone, and don't justify anything using a fairy tale, is this now not simply the murder of another being?

CallMeDave 8 Mar 30

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It all depends on where we stand in the hierarchy of the food chain, and in geographic juxtaposition to one another. Humans and Polar Bears can be "equals", so long as we don't live next door to one another. Then, one of us has to become unequal to the other, real quick!


Humans were using animals for lots of things (primarily food) before the concept of a soul was even invented. Does the cheetah "murder" the gazelle? Does the gazelle "murder" the plant it eats?

This concept smacks of removing humans from nature, which is a really bad way to look at us and our position in the world.

1of5 Level 8 Mar 30, 2019

We are not all equal, the human brain is much more evolved than any other animal. This confers on us a great responsibility to look after this planet, and all life forms within it. That does not imply that we should not use certain animals for food, but that we need to treat all animals, both wild and domesticated with respect. We should only kill animals for food, never for sport, and those that we do eat should have the best lives possible until the time we need to humanely kill them. I believe the human animal, like others, is an omnivore and an optimum human diet should have a balance of meat, grain and vegetables. There are people who believe animals are preferable to people, much as I love animals, I do not subscribe to that view. Animals do have a valuable place in our hearts and our lives, but I do not believe that they are in any way equal to humans. The religious aspect in this regard is irrelevant, as in any other.....we know the bible is a work of fiction.

Likes are working now?

@Cutiebeauty no they’re not...I can’t like that remark!

@Marionville I was just able to like your reply...

@Cutiebeauty Looks like you can but I can’t.....discrimination!

@Marionville ??

@Cutiebeauty I can’t even like that reply...frustrating! ?


Murder is a human concept... As such, it's not relevant to killing for food... All living things take from the environment in one way or the other to sustain their own lives...

And homicide has always existed, but does that make it right?

@CallMeDave it's neither right nor wrong... It just is...


as long as humans are killing each other, it's hard to imagine them not killing animals. even though animals don't deserve it and some folks might.

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