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I had a unique experience about 6 months ago listening to Marvin Gaye's song "What's Going On". I had long found the song to be of great warmth and substance. But in the last year, the coinciding events of a seeming increase in troubling violence around the globe, my conversion from Agnosticism to Atheism, becoming more aware of Humanism and it's perspectives, and learning to an extent I had not previously been aware of and deeply disturbed by the numerous instances man's inhumanity to man throughout history, the song had newfound impact on me. Somewhere in the middle of the song, I started bawling fairly uncontrollably for over 5 minutes. Perhaps an hour later, curious discover at exactly which point and exactly what in the song elicited this response in me, I listened to it again. Shortly after the 2 minute mark, a heightend feeling of emotion made me think I had found the spot, and I let my guard down. However, perhaps 10 or 15 seconds later, I got sucker punched again, and started bawling. Still don't know whether it was a lyric, a vocal inflection, a combination the two, or a culmination of everything in the song. To this day I have not yet dared to listen to this song again.

Rossy92 8 Mar 4

Enjoy being online again!

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