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Lori Lightfoot elected Chicago mayor, will be 1st black woman and 1st openly gay person to hold post

Congratulations! A historic victory.


LiterateHiker 9 Apr 2

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And another glass ceiling falls. GOOD!


Wishing her luck in the Windy City


We so much need a change in Chicago. I wish her lucky on her way!


I wish her well , entrenched Chicago politicians will make any progress difficult. It could get interesting


In hope the scales are balanced. Positive change can only happen if we all vote for saner leaders. This gives me hope, as well as the new progressives in Congress.


Either way, we were going to have a Black, female mayor, pretty exciting. She and Toni Preckwinkle went to a runoff. I only wish more of my fellow citizens had taken the effort to vote today. Turnout was tragically low.

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