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LINK Suspect wearing 'MAGA' hat charged with attempted murder in alleged sword attack

WTF? En Garde! A "fine" example of a "fine" person showing America's greatness!

IAJO163 8 Apr 6

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I love inspiring commentary and showing that regradless of religion, color or ethnicity the problems of the world are like DNA and recognize neither.


The victim was 100% responsible for what happened as she wouldn’t have been cut with the sword if she hadn’t knocked his hat off. Evidently she had a bad case of Trump dearrangement syndrone. Just goes to show how looney some of the liberals are.

No one is responsible for being attacked with a sword unless they attacked with a sword first! He nearly severed that person's hand. Is that the answer to a simple gesture of knocking someone's hat off?


I think it is stupid and aggressive to knock anyone's hat off. But even carrying a sword is nuts let alone using it after getting his hat knocked off. It didnt say, but I am assuming the hat was knocked off intentionally since they said swatted off.


When Gabriel Gaucin is arrested for assault and battery, let me know. ?

@SeaGreenEyez So there was common sense used when the decision was made to hit a person in the head because of the hat they were wearing? Seriously? Project much?

She deserves to be arrested.

@SeaGreenEyez No on would have been arrested had the looney idiot not knocked off someone’s hat.

@SeaGreenEyez You have drank far to much of the liberal koolaid.

@SeaGreenEyez Paleaase... show me what they're are calling a sword.. Seriously, who walks around drinking in a roller skating rink parking lot with a sword?? Put your torch and pitchfork down for a second, the whole story sounds like BS to me.. So before you start throwing the book at somebody, how about you see what the investigation comes up with.. That's all I'm saying.. How about you think about that first? This is exactly what's wrong with Anti-Trumpsters...You being so ready to point the finger at someone without knowing the facts... Kavanaugh ring a bell?? How about Smollette? Now THAT my friends, is some Dumb Fuckery in Action for sure...

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