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How many would like to see drive ins make a comeback? I remember them and miss them so much. Ahhhh the memories.

JayJackson 7 Mar 4

Enjoy being online again!

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I sure would.


We never really had them here, but it does seem a shame that such an important part of American culture has been lost. I don't see much chance of them returning in the era of Netflix, unfortunately!

Jnei Level 8 Mar 4, 2018

I would go anyway. Being out and looking at that giant screen would be worth the price of admission. The horrible food, the so-so popcorn....I tell you what!!! Nothing like it. The anticipation of "necking", i mean....oh my!!!


Well I no longer drive. But yes I would.

Thats what a date is for. Imagine that lucky gentleman coming by, driving there and then.....well who knows. Being in a vehicle and steaming up the windows was three quarters of the experience.

@JayJackson I never got to have that experience..dammit!!!


No thanks. I’m too tall and the angle is bad to see the screen.

I am six foot five, been that height since i was sixteen. I thoroughly enjoyed taking dates to the drive in. Even getting out the lawn chairs at one point. Fantastic experiences.

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