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LINK Obama Pilloried for Playing the 'How You Gonna Pay for It?' Card on Progressive Agenda

"No president since FDR has been handed as many opportunities to transform the U.S. into something that doesn't threaten the stability of life on this planet. He has refused every one."

WilliamCharles 8 Apr 11

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Exactly how was he going to pass this stuff. I hate revisionist history. At what point was he ever going to get Mitch McConnell to support anything he wanted, even things Conservatives were for like infrastructure. Do you know how difficult it was to get even some Dems on board with the ACA? The day he signed the ACA into law, he said this is just a start, something to work with. This is not a left or right wing country. It is very centrist, leaning left or right. If you don't win the middle, you don't win a national election. That may change in the not very distant future, but not now. The only Dem I have heard explaining her ideas and explaining how she would achieve her agenda is Warren. The rest are all spitting out the same nebulous ideas with no details.

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