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Do you think that Texas will succeed in passing anti abortion legislation?

Madinina 3 Apr 12

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I doubt it. Texas is ont eh verge of becoming mostly blue (democrat). Those politicians who like (and want to keep) their jobs aren't likelyt o vote for it, and wont' want to have to justify the huge expense of court challenges.

@PalacinkyPDX They bare reelected Cruz. Even with all the Gerry meandering, elections still get closer each time. I am hopeful, but expect they may hold out for as long as another 6 years or so. If it happens sooner I'll be pleasantly surprised.


I sure as hell hope not. I'm pretty sick of the white male repubs in this state dictating their beliefs onto the women who live in this state. Novelty wrote it out best what these evil bastards are doing to women.


I don’t think they’ll succeed but it’s scary that yet another man wants to control women in such a disturbing way.


I hope not but after just moving here nothing will surprise me.

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