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To be truthful, he isn't really a Christian because of his homosexual lifestyle.

The others can also be judged on a 'by their fruits shall you know them' basis.

Buttigieg is making the point that he is as his creator created him. Not sure what the Bible definition of "Christian" is. The Council of Nicea voted out a lot of "scripture" that had previously been included. All moot if you don't believe. IF there is a creator, he created everyone. In my opinion.

@david75090 I think you are right about us all being created by God if there is a god. The Pharisees would say they were children of God because they were Abraham's descendents but Christ told them they were very wrong. To be like Abraham, you had to obey God like Abraham did. To be a Christian, which is a child of God, means you live obedient to God's commands and homosexuality is forbidden to Christians.

@brentan If all that is to be believed, and if the part of the Bible that was cut says something else. The Council of Nicea voted to leave out some things that contradicted the current narrative. Current being the time of the council. The Bible says all sorts of things that contradict itself.

In all fairness David, it doesn't contradict itself on homosexuality. So if you were to say to me the Bible is so contradictory in general, you simply don't credit it so screw the lot, I would say I have the same idea too. All I'm saying is if you say you're a Christian and a ruling is clear and you decide to do your own thing anyway, other Christians will have an issue with that.


Well, yeah. Split the xtian vote and Trump is sunk.

1of5 Level 8 Apr 13, 2019
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