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LINK Mike Huckabee Blames Weak Christians for the Existence of Trans People | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

FTA: But all of this is expected from Huckabee, who thinks LGBTQ people are somehow a threat to his existence. Meanwhile, we have a president who paid hush money to a porn star and model to cover up the affairs he had with them after his third wife gave birth to his fifth child… and that guy’s the evangelical hero.

Huckabee has no credibility when it comes to telling the world where moral “threats” are coming from when he actively ignores the obvious threats right in front of him.

zblaze 7 Apr 16

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Yes, the model Evangelical father that is Mike Huckabee. His son tortured and killed a dog, so Mike had the Arkansas State Police cover it up while he was governor. His son also tried to bring a gun on a plane. He was also in the mortgage business leading up to the 2008 crash. Not to be outdone, Sarah became White House press secretary and lies her ass off for a living. Yep, excellent religious beliefs and morals passed down from daddy Mike.


So if god created mates and females, where did trans people come from if god created all beings? So trans people occur if you don't think correctly, so read the bible and get your mind right and you won't become trans or you become transformed back to a straight person. Can someone please explain this to me. I guess I'm not as smart as Mike Huckabee.


Huckabee has no problem playing bass with an admitted underage girl "rapist" and draft dodger.

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