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LINK A gun in a diaper bag went off, injuring dad and daughter. Now the dad has died

Unaddressed, of course, is why anyone would be carrying a gun in a diaper bag... It's just too bad it didn't happen before the moron had a baby--too late for natural selection to cull the stupid from the herd before breeding.

Elganned 8 Apr 17

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The gun industry preys on the weak minded and convinces them they need to have guns to protect their families. The sad truth is obvious from this article. Don't blame the dad. Blame the manufacturer and the politicians working for the gun industry. This is a tragedy that could have been avoided with responsible leadership.


Darwin Award for the dad!!😂😂😂


Too late to get him out of the gene pool, sadly.


The NRA will advise that, if the infant had been carrying a gun too, this never would have happened.

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