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The protesters are nuts but Buttigieg deserves it.

Deserves what, the free publicity?

No, the abuse.

@brentan the hell? It's absurd theater by delusional nutjobs, not abuse. Which no one deserves, btw.

@1of5 I would suggest the whole political arena has become theatre.

@brentan Its always been theater.

@1of5 Well, let's not pick out just one performance then.

@brentan why not? If one is particularly stupid it should be mocked.

And your suggestion that he deserves abuse is more than a little fucked up, btw.

@1of5 I think you're saying that instead of distinguishing between right and wrong, we should distinguish between wrong and more wrong.

@brentan what's right and wrong got to do with this, and from who's perspective do we decide what's right and what's wrong?

Well, see, there is a distinction. That's what the qualifier more signifies.

@1of5 I have the feeling you think we should go by your persepective. I tried to be circumspect but to no avail.

@brentan no, my perspective is the only one I can go by. I'm trying like hell to get yours, but being circumspect from my perspective just seems to mean you won't answer with anything of substance. I'm beginning to think there is none.

So right from who's perspective? The actors obviously think what they did was right or they wouldn't have done it. I don't think it was wrong, I think it was stupid.

@1of5 And I thought Buttigieg deserved to be mocked for his lame Christinity.

@brentan I think they all do. However, I decided to pick something more mockworthy than run of the mill religion.


Was it Satan? Or could it have been Santa. And there was many a drooling church lady.

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