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How pro-choice politicians should answer third-trimester debate questions

Great article!

This one question always trips up pro-choice politicians.

Here's how to answer:


LiterateHiker 9 Apr 18

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Great article - thanks for posting.


For whatever the reason, abortion refers to the termination of a pregnancy.

It's clear that Bernie was speaking about the surgical termination of a pregnancy, if absolutely necessary in the third trimester.

People who are ethical, consistent and rarely wrong, are always held to a higher standard.

These same people let everything that Trump says and does go, because they couldn't possibly keep up with the same level of criticism, considering the frequency with which he is wrong, stupid, offensive, ridiculous and how often he shows signs of severe mental illness.


Try being honest very hot 🔥button issue in the bible belt though nothing will help with bible thumpers

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 18, 2019
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