So I made a lot of mistakes, first of all marrying the guy. He's abusive and vindictive. Anyway, the way things are, I'm way behind in child support and he's coming at me full force, with an order to show cause and turning me into ORS. It sucks but it's happening so I'm just trying to deal and move forward the best I can.
I'm super stressed about it all, though, mostly because I just don't know what to expect. Have any of you been in this situation and would you mind telling me what happened? Were you able to get past it eventually and get paid up? Are there any tips on dealing with ORS?
You made the mistake of marrying the wrong one, that's clear, but at least half of us do the same mistake. Then Child Support is mandatory and falling behind is bad for anyone. Should I add that this situation has no gender, so maybe I can only say that you should focus only in two facts: First, I guess you won't have this burden for a long time. Second, it's good that your economical situation is much better than his, or else they wouldn't have put the support responsibility on you. I'm sure you wouldn't like to be the poor one suing the better off rich guy? I'm sorry anyway...
So you've never dealt with child support....
@Meili, I did for a few years but the relieve of not living with her was far greater than the money.
Sorry to hear you have to go through that. Money matters absolutely suck, post-divorce. I was serving overseas when we filed, had virtually no legal representation, and it took a year and a half before I could afford to fly back and see my kids. Financial responsibilities were divided up in the decree, but apparently, the only part that mattered was me continuing to pay child support. I'm convinced the kids will be forever be damaged as a result of the whole dissolution. Wish you the best in raising your kids and navigating through the difficult situation you're in. It can take a long time, but it does get better.
ORS? Must be something local to you, like child protective services=CPS? At one point in my life I owed $27k for one kid, in Minnesota they will stop charging interest if you make a years worth of timely payments. That helps a ton if you're back that far, they also offer a dollar match program if the custodial parent was receiving welfare/public assistance. With those helping I knocked it down to $16k then took an 8k loan on my truck paid it off with the dollar match and I could finally file back taxes to get my refunds in whole and pay off the loan, if they sieze your refunds they don't dollar match since technically you didn't pay they just took it. For awhile there I thought I'd never get rid of it but it is possible. Currently my ex wife owes me $6700 for my 2 kids, doesn't have a job, had 2 more kids but only pays $20 a month of her $138 judgement just to keep her license valid of which the agency takes 40¢ so I have to split it to $9.80 for each kid per month. Its not even enough to make a ATM withdrawal. I earn enough to not need welfare but having at least $50 a month to take them somewhere fun would mean all the world in my situation. My only advice from my background is to pay what you can but do it regularly for a year, if it's only $20 then pay it twice a month or weekly even, and go to child support and ask what your options are for reductions. Don't miss a parenting time opportunity if you can help it, if you need to cancel call or text as early as possible, we sat every Friday from August til the weekend after Easter one year bags packed and freshly bathed and it hurt me physically seeing the hope leave their spirits after I ran out of excuses for her. If they're daycare age maybe move closer and try to step in that way? All time spent with them is related to CS calculations. I know every situation is different but I hope my words are of some assistance to you, just know that there is a way..
Office of Recovery Services. Thanks for sharing. It helps.