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If marriage is a vow before god, then what is the point in getting married?

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It is a legal contract. Imagine your loved one in critical condition in hospital, and a hospital worker tells you that only family are allowed in. And that a child of the person you love is making end of life decisions


At 65 I seriously doubt I will get remarried but I definitely will not agree to any religious ceromony-it absolutely has to be civil........


I personally see so real point.
It's a man made construct based on control, imo.


I will never be married as according to any license. However, I hope to find my match, and hope to have a comminent ceremony.


i don't consider marriage a vow before any god - because i don't believe in any and i wouldn't have a religious person officiate my wedding.


Health insurance, and it's more of a legal action than I would consider it a vow before any god. You're making a commitment to be with someone, share your life good and bad with them, it's a protection from using someone to build up your life, then dumping them on the side of the road or vice verse. It also has cake, and gifts, so I'll never be against a wedding.

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