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Good news on my health saga!
I just came from the Doctor, great news, my Scleroderma is NOT active!!!! YEAH!!! I got my stitches out from the last biopsies and waiting for those test results. That was for my Eczema and it is my understanding those tests should pinpoint the exact allergin that caused me to break out so bad. Anyway, the doctor I was so tired because I was working long hours plus taking care of the livestock and it ran my body down, so I had that Sinus infection not once but twice and then the chest cold. I do feel better but I am still tired.

misstuffy 7 Mar 8

Enjoy being online again!

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Our skin carries many different bacteria and viruses. These can be increased by the work and places we go. It is important if you work on a farm that you shower after work as you pick up many new bacteria and viruses in your work. You should not use the same clothes every day and your coat should be run in the dryer for 20 minutes after work. I have been there and no longer have these problems.

The eczema was exposure to chemicals at my job building airplane parts. The Scleroderma is more about recessive genetics, that said I agree with you on staying clean, but if you are too clean your body does not develop much needed natural protections against these things.


Excellent news.

Yes it is. I am thrilled!

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