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LINK HB 481: Georgia law criminalizes abortion, subjects women to life in prison.

The effort to repeal Roe v. Wade continues apace. THIS new law will REALLY have you conjuring scenes from "The Handmaid's Tale" is guaranteed to make Mike Fucking Pence and his ilk swoon with joy!

BookDeath 8 May 7

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There'll be public stonings next


It's so sad!!! We have taken so many steps backwards these last 2 years!


These rich white buybull thumpers won’t be happy until they’ve taken away every protected right women have including the 19th amendment and driven us back to endangering our lives in back alleys with coat hangers.


I believe these states are trying to and passing these bills is to force the Supreme Court to take one of them up in hopes the Court will overturn Roe v Wade. They feel this court will do just that. I'm not so sure.

I work for Planned Parenthood. This is precisely the scenario we're preparing for...I don't know how the SCOTUS would overturn a previous ruling but....we'll see. Meanwhile, we're working on some plans. That's all I'll say. Women will NEVER go back!

@LucyLoohoo And you shouldn't have to. Thank you so much for the work you do.

@Sticks48 Thanks for supporting us! We're seeing patients from other States now..and one from Guam recently. This is so WRONG!

@LucyLoohoo It so is very wrong.

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