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Keto Diet

Anyone else doing keto? If so anyone notice an improvement in anxiety and overall mood? I'm losing weight which is great but I didn't anticipate the other effects. Just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience.

Briskovich 4 Mar 8

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Diet for stupid humans and carnivorous animals. Not a smart choice.

Tell me how yoy really feel!! Don't hold back..?


I've been on a carb cutting diet for the last two years or so. I noticed a lot of benefits,less head and joint aches better mood etc. Couldn't really say if it's diet,excercise or just losing so much weight that caused the changes though. I have some friends who've done straight keto and they've had great success and much better health since starting.


@Livinlife @DelilahJones33 @girlwithsmiles Still don't know how to post links but excellent article on Healthline 'Ketosis vs. Ketoacidosis: What you should know' a medically reviewed article by Marjorie Hecht. A keto diet is not dangerous, especially with all the readily available supplements to compensate for anything you might be missing while on this diet and you can do keto without eating a lot of bacon and other high saturated fat foods! Yes this low carb diet creates ketones for energy but that is not the same as ketoacidosis which is a potentially fatal disease common with Type 1 diabetics. It is not hard on your kidneys unless you already have compromised kidney function. That myth about high protein diets blowing up your kidneys just won't go away... It's great for short term fat loss but long term is very difficult to sustain and is anti-anabolic. It can, at least at first, cause some amazingly powerful food cravings until your body adjusts to this new diet. Once you've reached your fat loss goals you can lower your fat intake and add fresh fruits and vegetables and maybe whole grains for some carbs. I have read a ketogenic diet high in fat can help epileptics but I have focused on the fat loss aspects of this diet. There were some more articles on Healthline about epilepsy and ketogenic diets.

@sarahjustme Please find me any peer-reviewed, double-blind, crossover study in a reputable journal that shows high protein diets are hard on kidneys unless someone already has compromised kidney function. From an experiential perspective if high protein diets were so hard on kidneys you would have strength athletes, bodybuilders and every other anaerobically focused athlete lined up around the block of most clinics and hospitals waiting for dialysis. An overwhelming number of these athletes are on high to very high protein diets. Some as high as 2 grams of protein per lb of bodyweight per day. You are right that keto diets can be higher in fat or higher in protein.

Ah, will do some more research, thank you.

@sarahjustme First article: Every connection to renal damage from high protein intake I could find was with already compromised renal function. Second article: Couldn't access. Everytime I tried to read it it kept trying to get me to download 'security' apps. Third article: Direct quote: "In subjects with intact renal function higher dietary protein levels have caused some functional and morphological adaptations but without negative effects." Otherwise the only connections with renal damage and high protein intakes they make is with already compromised renal function. Fourth and Fifth articles wouldn't let me read them without paying. I appreciate the effort you put in. I always enjoy reading nutrition articles (I'm very nerdy like that) and sorry I didn't get back to you sooner: my alerts/notifications don't always get to me. 🙂


I'm not sure what the keto diet actually is. Could you explain it to me? When I hear the name keto diet, it makes me think of ketoacidosis which is not good for you. So I must be understanding it wrong

@DelilahJones33 wow, I'm so glad you researched it and check with your doctor first. Also, I hope your epilepsy is being controlled and that you're doing well


My wife was on this for awhile; I don't think she mentioned any mood benefits. It was part of an intense workout regimen at a gym aimed at weight loss. She had to switch to something less strident due to difficulties with her back so neither the workout regime or the keto diet got a full run. Fortunately she has lost the desired weight and kept it off so clearly the keto + intense workout approach is not the only way. From her research I think she'd agree that keto is not a long term diet, and should be done under some degree of professional supervision.


I've already posted on this elsewhere. I think it's great short term. Long term be careful of kidney damage. It also sounds as if you may have been having ill effects from some foods. Perhaps if you introduce things one at a time you can work out what it was? My friend's husband felt much better after giving up gluten and so may be a small part of your diet causing the issues, not all of it. All the best.

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