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LINK The Genes of the Soul: Amin Maalouf on Belonging, Conflict, and How We Inhabit Our Identity – Brain Pickings

I wish she hadn't used the word "soul" in the title, but it's not mentioned in the article.

Tomfoolery33 9 May 9

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You always find interesting articles. Thsnks for linking to them.
I suppose human nature has been shaped by evolution to support "the tribe", for want of a better word. Gang culture, unswerving allegiance to a political party, irrespective of the situation, old school tie networks, instinctive dislike of someone perceived as "posh" by those who are biased, football club fans, the list is endless ......
If you study the behaviour of Chimpanzees or baboons, these same traits appear strongly, right down to inter-tribal competition and warfare although surprisingly, the bonobo is far more relaxed about it. However, even fish exhibit tribalism in the form of shoals. It's an effective technique to ensure survival of that species.


Looks like a kook justification for tribalism.

I disagree. I think it shows human nature as it is. We always identify with various groups of whatever type, some more strongly, and some less. And it changes as we grow older. Where does the "kook" come in?

@tnorman1236 What is it about, then?

@chazwin See my edited comment above.

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