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Lawrence on Trump's rally joke: "People laughing is not proof something is funny."

White people laughed at lynchings.

Joking about shooting immigrants at the border is not funny.

Your thoughts?


LiterateHiker 9 May 10

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He's a 21st century dictator that needs to be in padded room for rest of his life.


As far as I can tell, Trump has never done one selfless act or added one positive thing for any living thing on the planet. I have known five people like this and I have come to the conclusion there is not one good reason for them to even exist.


What a sad statement that the supposed leader of the "greatest" country would not take a stance against such a horrific statement...

Contrast that with the late Senator McCain who corrected a woman who tried to say Obama was not an American at one of his campaign stops...class is not an automatic just because one has money...oh wait...forgot that the tax returns show that tRUMP has no class no matter what...

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