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It was sometime in the late 60's or early 70's. I was watching the Late Show with Johnny Carson. The wife of Arnold Palmer was one of his guests. During the conversation between Johnny and Mrs. Palmer, Johnny asks, "Is there anything special you do, any ritual you perform before any of your husband's big golf matches?"Without hesitation, she says, "I kiss his balls." Realizing what she'd just said, she says, "I kiss his all his golf balls." The uproar and laughter after the deafening silence was unforgettable. Of course, the look on Johnny's face was hysterical. Immediately after, I called my best friend and told him what I'd just witnessed. For some reason, the videotape of that moment has been lost and there are claims it never happened, but I SAW it. Will anyone else who also did, step forward and say they did, too?

SamL 7 Mar 9

Enjoy being online again!

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I wish Iā€™d seen it, Johnny was great!

Sometime later, I seem to recall reading reports denying it ever happened.

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